Troubled By Trump: US And EU Elections This Year Will Shape A Dangerous Decade To Come

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Germany and the EU are developing their independent policy in anticipation of the potential outcome of a Trump re-election in the United States

2024-05-01T20:47:00+05:00 Kanan Heydarov

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel once said, "War dispels the dark clouds gathering over the world." He is one of the philosophers that I hold in the highest esteem, and he posits that numerous issues can be resolved through warfare.

In a speech delivered at the Sorbonne University in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron asserted that Europe is facing a "risk of dying." Macron argued that Europe is lagging in terms of weapons production, and that it must accelerate its efforts to meet this challenge. He further contended that Europe is not adequately addressing the "risks of hostile global powers." To address this, Macron proposed the establishment of a European military academy to train high-ranking military personnel.

In the subsequent section of his address, Macron asserts that Europe is lagging behind the rest of the world in terms of investment in the defence industry. He proposes that Europe should prioritise the purchase of domestic defence industry products. This speech indicates that Europe is facing a critical juncture in its defence strategy and global competitiveness.

In the European Parliament elections, Macron asserts that far-right parties espouse a pacifist stance, whereas globalists are perceived to be driving the world towards war. Furthermore, he asserts that Russia should not emerge triumphant and proposes that post-war relations with Russia be established. The rationale for this stance is twofold: firstly, the need to maintain border security, and secondly, the potential for Russia to provide affordable energy resources.

In the context of the current global situation, it is challenging to discern the alliances that will emerge and those that will be positioned in opposition to each other. While the composition of the alliances is not yet precisely clear, it is becoming increasingly evident.

The potential for a right-wing victory in the European parliamentary elections has prompted concern among the US and UK governments. They are uncertain about the nature of the European policy that will emerge, particularly in Germany and France.

The EU is now developing its own domestic and foreign policy. Germany, on the other hand, has decided to renew its army at this point and has increased its war budget. This is because Germany has the greatest industrial, financial and economic power in the EU.

Germany's decision to meet with the President of Turkey during this critical period suggests that it views Turkey as the closest ‘neighbour’ to Germany in terms of Europe's prosperity and reliability. Turkey's military capabilities and the development of military technology, its underground energy resources and energy grid, and most importantly, its strategic location between Europe and Asia, make it a country of significant geopolitical importance. And so a meeting was held between the President of Germany and the President of Turkey.

Germany and the EU are developing their independent policy in anticipation of the potential outcome of a Trump re-election in the United States. It is assumed that if Trump is elected as US president, the American perspective on Europe will transform.

Should Trump prevail in the forthcoming US presidential election, he will inevitably instruct Germany and Europe to curtail economic relations with China. The forthcoming period will witness a divergence in economic policies, which will result in a significant decline in the economies of Germany and Europe. Europe is understandably concerned about the potential implications of a Trump presidency.

Upon assuming power in the United States, Donald Trump will find that Europe, particularly Germany, will be placed in a quandary between China and the United States.

The course of events in the current year will have a significant impact on several key areas. It is predicted that the next 10 years will be a particularly dangerous and challenging period. A significant number of countries have a global project targeted until 2035. Most crucially, the outcome of this year's elections will determine the trajectory of the next decade: the European Parliament, the US elections, and Trump's rhetoric of "making America great again" will all contribute to the emergence of a predominantly economic-oriented struggle that will have far-reaching implications. Should Trump be elected, he will advocate for state subsidies, oppose the investment of American capital in China, and call for the repatriation of that capital to the United States. Moreover, If Trump is elected, there are likely to be severe sanctions aimed at China, particularly in technology.

The events of this year will have a significant impact on the trajectory of the next decade. Several regional powers have begun to emerge, which may result in the creation of a new multipolar system. Indeed, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that the prevailing trend is in this direction.

It can be reasonably presumed that preparations for war are underway. One can observe that intelligence and espionage activities have increased on all sides. It is to be expected that economic disputes will intensify. In such a context, it would be prudent to monitor the situation in the United States following the elections, particularly if Donald Trump is elected president.

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