PBC Denounces PTI's Demand That CJP Isa Should Not Hear Their Cases

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The council and legal fraternity repose faith in the impartiality and professionalism of CJP Isa and rejected any tactic to malign the judiciary 

2024-06-03T13:31:09+05:00 Sabih Ul Hussnain

The top national body of lawyers on Monday denounced a demand made by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) that Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa should not sit on benches hearing any case that involves the political party and termed it a tactic to build pressure on the top judge.

In a statement issued on Monday, Pakistan Bar Council's (PBC) Vice Chairman Riazat Ali Sahar and PBC Executive Committee Chairman Farooq Hamid Naek vehemently condemned the demand presented by PTI's core committee that Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa should recuse himself from all cases involving the PTI as their party has not been getting justice since CJP Isa took over charge as the chief justice of Pakistan. 

The PBC leaders argued that since the promulgation of the Supreme Court Practice and Procedure Act, 2023, a committee comprising the chief justice of Pakistan and the two next most senior judges constitute benches to hear cases; therefore, the demand put forth by the PTI was just a wish of a political party which is uncalled for and a tactic to put undue pressure on the Chief Justice Isa, which is extremely deplorable and not acceptable to the legal fraternity.

They further expressed that Chief Justice Isa was a very competent, upright and independent judge whose integrity was above reproach and enjoys great respect amongst the legal fraternity. 

They reiterated their unwavering commitment to uphold the independence of the judiciary and rejected any tactic to malign the judiciary and undermine the principle of the independent judiciary in their nefarious designs and motives to target Chief Justice Isa. 

"The Pakistan Bar Council and the legal fraternity ever supported and struggled for the supremacy of the Constitution, the rule of law and independence of the judiciary, as enshrined in the Constitution," the statement concluded.

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