Such Gup

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Bollywood's beating heart

All these giants have been Bollywood's beating heart for decades – Prithviraj Kapoor, Raj Kapoor and their huge, talented family down to current heartthrob Kareena Kapoor, Dilip Kumar, Anil Kapoor and now his daughter Sonam, and nephew Arjun. All these stars and their clans hail from Peshawar. And yet, only Dilip Kumar's ancestral home has been singled out for conservation by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture. There's only so much one Trust can do. Perhaps it should fall on the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government to conserve the ancestral homes of the other Bollywood stars, particularly the great Prithviraj Kapoor's clan residence.

Alive & well?

Following the revelation of Mullah Umar's death, his son and would-be successor Mullah Yaqub is also rumoured to have been killed in Quetta. But there have been stout denials of this claim, and Yaqub is said to be alive and well, and still maneuvering for leadership of the Taliban. Yaqub is a graduate of Karachi's Binori mosque madrassah and one of Mulla Umar's 14 children.


The buzz in The Great Khan's horde is that it's going to be curtains soon for those who've dare take on The Khan's diktat: the venerable retired judge and the legal eagle. The latter is also rumoured to be flirting with the former Chief Adjudicator and his proposed political party.

Pot & kettle

Sources say poor old Tubby has had to face an intra-family audit with his adoptive siblings taking away his "earnings". While the late lamented Big Ben's Hubby is known to be generous with friends and family, his sister was unforgiving and thus was T stripped of his ill-gotten gains. Isn't this a case of the pot calling the kettle black?
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