Blue Whale Found Dead On Beach Near Gwadar

In what is the second recorded instance this year, a blue whale has been found beached and deceased on the Pasni Coast near Gwadar. The cause of the marine mammal's is yet unknown.

Blue Whale Found Dead On Beach Near Gwadar

GWADAR: Another majestic blue whale has been spotted dead after getting beached, this time in the Churbandan area of Pasni coast, Gwadar, Balochistan. The awe-inspiring discovery has reignited concerns among marine conservationists about the welfare of marine life in the region.

The blue whale, considered the largest creature on Earth, is a vital component of the marine ecosystem, playing a pivotal role in maintaining its delicate balance. Unfortunately, the marine life in the region is under siege from illegal fishing activities and the deployment of illegal wirenets by trawlers. 

Amidst these concerns, activists have sounded the alarm, placing blame on the elusive trawlers' mafia for their alleged involvement in unlawful fishing practices. The use of prohibited wirenets is causing irreparable harm to the marine life, raising questions about the efficacy of the responsible departments tasked with overseeing marine activities.

In a distressing turn of events, local youth from Pasni, upon discovering the magnificent creature, called for authorities to protect the whale's skeleton for research purposes. 

Tragically, unidentified individuals damaged the whale's body, suspectedly in pursuit of Ambergris, a valuable substance found in the digestive system of sperm whales.

The incident has underscored the urgent need for action against illegal activities endangering marine life. Marine activists are vehemently demanding immediate and robust measures to enforce regulations, curb illegal fishing practices, and shield the vulnerable marine ecosystem from further harm.

This marks the second time a blue whale has washed up in Balochistan this year, following a similar incident on Jiwani Gwadar beach in May 2023. Unfortunately, the cause of that whale's death remains unknown too, as the relevant departments failed to utilize samples for laboratory analysis, raising concerns about the adequacy of current conservation efforts. 

The discoveries emphasize the critical necessity for collective action to protect the rich marine biodiversity in Balochistan. Authorities are urged to take heed of these calls, implement stringent measures against illegal fishing practices, and commit to the long-term conservation of the marine environment.

The author hails from Gwadar, Balochistan, and is a student of journalism.