Gandhi, who is the leader of the India's main opposition party, criticized and condemned the remarks made by BJP spokesperson Nupur Sharma and Naveen Jindal, who have since then, reportedly been fired from their positions.
During a televised debate, Sharma had made some disrespectful remarks about the Prophet (PBUH) and his wife Aisha, which were heavily criticized by social media users. Jindal on the other hand had had tweeted out the blasphemous content, in a tweet that has since been deleted.
Rahul Gandhi said in a tweet that the BJP's shameful bigotry had not only isolated India, but had also damaged its standing globally.
Previously, just a few hours before, Congress leader P. Chidambaram had also tweeted about the incident, saying that it hadn't been domestic criticism that had led the BJP to take action against the statements, but rather international pressure.
He also said that the two BJP officials weren't the first people to engage in Islamophobia, nor were they the original creators and promotors of this idea, but in reality, it was done out of their loyalty to their 'king'.
Meanwhile, while the BJP has fired the two leaders, the Muslim community has not forgiven the incident just yet.
“Merely suspending and expelling party officials is not enough… the BJP must shun and denounce its extremist and fascist Hindutva ideology,” President Arif Alvi said.