Such Gup

Such Gup

Hugely fat

Our mole in Londres reports that the Quaid-e-Qiwam is now so hugely fat that he can barely move. Apparently, he cannot wear shoes, so swollen are his feet, and his liver and kidney functions are poor. It’s said that he has round the clock home carers, three qualified nurses, who take turns to attend him. His home is also said to be geared up for medical emergencies. The Quaid was advised by his doctors to check into hospital but he and his advisors have resisted that, believing that it would confirm suspicions about his failing health.

A bite of China

There’s a memorable television documentary on Chinese cuisine called “A bite of China”, and it reveals the secrets of that amazing country’s cooking. One woman journo who’d seen the documentary, and was inspired by it, happened to be on The Man of Steel’s entourage when he last visited China. At an official banquet, she was on the lookout for the best food. And so, when she was served steamed fish with ginger, onions and sauces, she tucked into it with relish. A life-long foodie himself, The Man of Steel noticed the journo lapping up the fish and asked for “A Bite of China”! Soon, he was singing the fish’s praises, followed by his foreign advisor Mr Fat (who’s very slim), and then the entire entourage ended up tucking in.

Straining at the leash

We hear there are rumblings galore within the late lamented Big Ben’s party. The formerly “faithful” are straining at the leash and have complained bitterly to Hubby about his Sis and second in command. We hear this includes the normally docile Octogenarian and the party’s parliamentary leadership. It’s also said that Hubby has turned a deaf ear — he says nothing is more important to him than “loyalty”, whatever that means.