Delay In No-Trust Voting: 'Imran Khan Is On A Politically Suicidal Path'

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2022-04-09T19:42:27+05:00 News Desk
As the government continues to delay the voting on the no-trust motion, Prime Minister Imran Khan has summoned a cabinet meeting at 9.30 PM. The delay has been termed a violation of the Supreme Court's orders.
TFT Editor-in-chief Najam Sethi says Imran Khan seems bent on defying the orders of the Supreme Court. "That means he is either on a politically suicidal path or is being egged on to continue resistance in the expectation of last minute support/intervention from elements in the Miltablishment."
Sethi added that the crisis can end if the SC orders the organs of the state to compel compliance of its judgment or hauls up the Speaker and Deputy Speaker, sentences them for contempt of court, orders the opposition to elect its own Speaker and Depury Speaker, carries out the VONC and elects the Leader of the House.
"The same treatment may be meted out to the President if he refuses to swear in the new PM. Any other course would bring the credibility of the SC and neutrality of the Miltablishment into great disrepute," he said.
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