Seen & approved
Rumour has it that the upper echelons of the Fed Be Are is rumbling with barely concealed discontent. Our mole says there was a summons from The Great Khan which the upper echelon sort of avoided and verbally communicated the pointlessness of it all to an interlocutor. Similarly, following the treatment meted out to TB formerly of the Bank of the State, there’s reportedly a virtual mutiny in the ranks of the afsar shahi. The discerning should nota bene that the summary for the appointment of TB’s successor has a catch phrase at the end of the document: “Seen and approved by the Prime Minister”. This means that for the purpose of any future challenges, the bureaucracy will be off the hook and the responsibility for the appointment will rest squarely with The Great Khan.
Talking of which …
Talking of which, sources say that TB, formerly of the Bank of the State, had one big sin to his account, for which he was shown the door. They say he refused to let the rupee slide to 170 to Uncle Sam’s currency! The other abandoned stalwarts also bemoan their ignominious departures. One learnt of his exit, mid-meeting, from television. The other, whilst in The Great Khan’s lair and being patted on the back by a senior khaki, learnt of his discharge through a sympathetic informant.
In his wisdom
We’ve heard that the NABbers had prepared arrest warrants of the late, lamented Big Ben’s Hubby and his sis, and taken them to their boss. He in his wisdom declared that they would have to wait for their bails to be cancelled, so watch out for mid-May.