Perpetually postponed
That long-postponed trial of Mush is likely to be delayed yet again. Believe it or not, this is because one of the case’s prosecutors, an eminent black coat, was caught in the fracas that erupted outside a Lahore hospital on December 11. The ever-zealous Punjab Poolce scooped him up and bunged him into a van. The gent is now lodged in a local thana where he is the grateful recipient of a mattress and a blanket courtesy his colleagues. A novel reason for yet another delay in that perpetually deferred trial.
Topi drama
It was a classic topi drama. The poor chap who sits uneasily on Takht Lahore called a meeting of his MPAs and a measly few turned up, then a few more trickled in, but many were conspicuous by their absence. What’s the point, they must’ve thought, since all power has seeped away and now resides in the secretariat. One emotional MPA took off his hat (Seraiki/Sindhi topi) and threw it at the foot of Takht Lahore, saying his prestige was in tatters in his constituency. What could the hapless incumbent do but umm and ah.
Hanging by a thread
It’s no secret that Al-King of the Land of Sand is utterly cheesed off with this dispensation. His Majesty’s envoy to Isbad makes no bones about the fact that our relationship with the Land of Sand is hanging by a thread. The all-weather Sino-Pak friendship is also pretty frayed, with our pals demanding the replacement of two of The Great Khan’s closest cabinet colleagues.