Such Gup

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Falling in line

Everyone fell in line when General Bobby and his boys decided that it was time to read out the riot act to Punjab’s leading sectarian terrorist & Co. Even those who had been very cozy with the terrorists, and enjoyed a rare camaraderie and rapport bordering on alliance with them, looked the other way when he and his sons and comrades were gunned down in Southern Punjab last month. The leading luminary of the terrorist’s sympathy group was none other than Rana S, an important wazir in Talented Bro’s team. It is said that Rana S did not allow the transfer of the leading police official of the slain terrorist’s district and kept him in place for four years and more, simply because the dead man “approved” of the official, getting a free hand to do what he willed.

Growing angst

There is growing angst in The Great Khan’s horde on his wife’s rise to prominence in the party, without “due process” and only by virtue of marital association with The Khan himself. Rumour has it that she wanted to contest the Hazara by-election herself but was dissuaded from doing so. She then went on the campaign trail with her son in tow, and this too met with disapproval from The Khan’s inner circle. The last straw was the lady’s gushing interview with a television channel that had been public enemy number one for The Khan & Co for the longest time. They say The Khan tried to discourage her from doing this but she was determined to go ahead and so she did. The party is now riven with factions, with some lateral entrants reviving contacts in their old parties, which they had dumped to join The Khan at the peak of his popularity. But The Khan’s not bothered with such trivia. He’s off to the Northern Areas with his sons, who’ve recently traveled from London to join him in Isloo for a holiday.
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