Such Gup

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A venerable old man of letters and favourite of The Man of Steel got into a tight spot the other day. They say the gent took a fancy to a television anchor and began sending her text messages on her cell phone. She was flattered by the attention but not really interested. She happened to mention the gent’s unwelcome attention to some colleagues who persuaded the young woman to lodge a complaint of harassment. She did so, and soon the matter came to The Man of Steel’s notice. We hear he dropped the amorous gent from his list of upcoming honours.

Change of heart

A former head honcho of the Invisible Soldiers Inc., who was the brains behind The Great Khan’s dharna of a year ago, had a dramatic change of heart the moment his scheme fell flat on its face. We hear he began to suck up to the Brothers Sharifov, to their bewildered amusement. We’ve recently heard that he was spotted trailing The Man of Steel’s Talented Bro, asking for a job for a young relative.

Division of spoils

Talking informally to his supporters last week, Friar TuQ recounted a story related to the Lahore Model Town incident of more than a year ago, in which 14 people were killed and scores injured. The incident took place on June 17, 2014, when police tried to remove barricades around TuQ’s residence, resulting in violence. TuQ told his assembled friends that in the heat of the moment Talented Bro had agreed to throw in the towel when The Man of Steel had hinted that it might be required. TuQ also opined that it was Talented Bro’s sons who persuaded him to hang in there. It’s no secret that there are resentments within the family on the division of spoils.
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