1. Avoidance
Put in the effort! Don't avoid your love life by overcommitting to other things. If you notice yourself doing that, practice meditation. Clear your mind!
2. Obsession and Fantasy
Get to know the person you're with. Don't just create an image of what you want them to be and don't sacrifice too much just for their acknowledgement.
3. Anxiety and Anxious Attachment
Some of us suffer from anxiety and that usually brings with it a sense of clinginess that's hard to get over. Try finding hobbies and enjoy yourself and if that doesn't work, seek professional help!
4. Judgement and Critical Thinking
Stop having unrealistic expectations from potential partners. Everyone is different and no one is perfect. Allow people to make mistakes because even the best of us make them!
5. Being TOO Nice
Don't pretend to agree with them on everything. It's perfectly natural to disagree on some things and you don't have to compromise your happiness or your beliefs over every little difference of opinion.
6. Being too Competitive or Argumentative
Avoid bantering too much otherwise you'll ruin the vibe. Try practicing warm humour and make yourself the butt of the joke. This can come off very attractive to the other person!
Well that's it from us. Let us know down in the comments if it works, because even dashing Lifestyle Desk writers could always use some advice! ;)