Such Gup

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Have a heart!

This is a plea for mercy from our Min of Int, affectionately known as Mr Bean. Have a heart, Mr Bean. Why is that poor model of a cash courier not being allowed to fly the coop when everyone knows who gave her the dough? And to think that her patron hasn’t seen fit to bargain for her liberty in return for supporting The Man of Steel in his Panama Problem! Apparently, both the glam courier and the NABbed Mr A currently detained in a Karachi hospital are full of resentment at the patron.

Talking of which ...

Talking of which, the patron is living in up in a five star hotel in London. The hotel is named after Britain’s great war-time Prime Minister. We hear five rooms and the Presidential Suite are booked for the gent. Also accompanying him is his trusty chef because the gent can’t do without his daily bhindi and daal. This London stay was preceded by several weeks’ sojourn at another uber expensive hotel in New York, the Four Seasons. Why the takalluf? Just because staying in your own properties isn’t kosher these days?

Once again

The Quaid-e-Qiwam has instructed the Barrister in his party to reach out to the khakis once again and we hear the intermediary is none other than Mush. The B was in the latter’s party, not so long ago. Back at the ranch, the khakis are making headway in splitting the Quaid’s party. Those who aren’t moving are staying put because they think they will inherit the spoils when the Quaid meets his Maker.
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