Rain Related Incidents Claim Four Lives In KP

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2023-07-23T13:59:27+05:00 News Desk
Heavy rains In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) have caused at least four deaths and one injury, and more rain is predicted. An emergency response has been declared in all areas of the province, including Chitral.

The devastation brought on by the region's severe rains and floods has been documented in figures issued by the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA).

According to the PDMA report, rain-related incidents in Mansehra claimed the lives of four individuals, including three children and one mother. Also during that time, one individual suffered injuries.

According to the study, seven homes were entirely demolished, while 67 others only sustained partial damage as a result of flooding and severe rainfall.

More than a dozen villages were submerged as a result of the high-level flood in the Chitral River, and agricultural fields were also impacted by river erosion. Poplar trees that were three hundred years old were also destroyed by severe floods.

Water began to seep into homes in Chitral City and the surrounding regions as the heavy downpour persisted, endangering the Shahi Fort and the old Shahi Mosque.

There are worries that there will be a scarcity of food and medication in the area as a result of the shutdown of the Chitral-Mastoj-Gilgit Road. Chitral's population of half is now without access to clean water, and there are frequent power outages.

The district administration and police authorities are aggressively moving individuals to secure areas in response to the catastrophic situation, placing a high priority on their safety.

The relief agency has declared an emergency in both upper and lower Chitral due to the severity of the recent heavy rains and flooding in that region.

A state of emergency has been declared and will last until August 15 as a result of the Deputy Commissioner of Chitral's request.

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