Pakistan's Land Has Proved A Barren One For Revolutions

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2023-03-26T17:24:43+05:00 Ahsan Raza
You may have read Faiz Ahmed Faiz's poem “Hum Dekhenge" (We Will See) in college or at a gathering. Perhaps the recitation of the poem may have warmed the blood of the listeners, but unfortunately, this masterpiece of poetry is only useful for the pleasure of listening, and other factors besides poetry are necessary to prepare the cuisine of revolution. In the 1980s, when Iqbal Bano recited this poem at Lahore Stadium, the stadium echoed with slogans of “long live revolution,” and to this day, the revolution is wandering in search of itself. If the revolution was established through slogans and speeches, we would not know how many revolutions would have already been enjoyed!

During Musharraf's regime, when the lawyers' movement was underway and slogans of revolution echoed in the streets, discussions were held about overthrowing thrones and crowns۔ Revolutionary songs like "Riyasat Hogi Ma Ke Jaisi" were written. Scholars narrated stories of the French and Russian revolutions, assuring listeners that nothing could stop the revolution from landing on Pakistani soil. However, over time, the revolution faded away like a proud lover, showing a faint glimpse from afar, only to disappear and prove to be an illusion.

The land of this country has proved to be a barren one for popular revolutions, because when the groups within a nation is engrossed are internal exploitation of one another, then only the exploitative group rules over them. A cannibalistic nation cannot have a herbivorous ruler. An exploitative nation always creates exploitative rulers, which means the ruler is as the nation is. In a society where exploitation exists from bottom to top and top to bottom, there is no revolution, but only changing forms of torment. The masses emerge from one darkness and enter into darkness. After being deceived once, the masses stand in line to buy the next deception.

What is the reason that a nation becomes immersed in exploitation and other injustices to such an extent? The fundamental reason for this is that when religious scholars go astray, the nation also goes astray. The effect of the religious scholars' deviation is vast and deep. The subject of the immorality and decline of nations is vast, and it is difficult to encompass it in single article. However, it must be noted that although the effects of domestic conflict are visible in Pakistan at the moment, there are no signs of a revolution that would result in a "Riyasat Hogi Ma Ke Jaisi."

In the second scenario, bringing a peaceful revolution through elections is also a futile effort. As our proverb goes, whether you touch your ear from this or that side, the point remains the same. Through elections, the expolitation-loving nation chooses their preferred exploitative political parties – and that's it.

Now, if a revolution cannot be established and elections are also useless, then what will become of the country?

The answer to this question can be found from the famous Hollywood actor Richard Gere. In the 1990s, Richard Gere's romantic movie Intersection was a hit on the silver screen. In the movie, Richard remained entangled between the love of two women. Later, he made a firm decision to spend the rest of his life with one woman. In the movie, when each character makes their own decision, nature's decision is made. Due to a car accident, Richard dies, and thus, all the decisions of the characters are left unfulfilled.

Now all that is left for us is to wait for Nature’s decision.
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