A thousand pities
TRT World is a Turkish international news channel which has released a video with gruesome details of journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s killing in October 2018 at the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul. The details were first revealed in a UN investigation. The transcript gives a minute-by-minute account of what happened the day Khashoggi entered the consulate. From preparations to do away with him, before Khashoggi entered the building, to the end of the gruesome butchery when his body was dismembered bit-by-bit, it’s all there. Social media is awash with this video and commentary decrying the horror, but a thousand pities that the Pakistani press has been pummeled into silence and journalists cannot even express solidarity with a butchered colleague.
Over a barrel
Relatives in high places were salivating at the thought of being able to “declare all” in The Great Khan’s new cycle of the laundry machine but alas, some of them have found it impossible to do so. This has more to do with their business partners than themselves, who have them over a barrel and will not budge unless they get their pound of flesh. Can the sleuths please enlighten us?
Most offended
We hear there is resentment amongst political office holders at the overbearing attitude of The Great Khan’s minders, acting like principals at his secretariat. Our mole says The Khan’s chief minion at the frontiers of the country recently got a dressing down from one such, and was most offended. Given tribal notions of honour in that part of the world, it’s not going to be easy for The Khan’s chief minion to live this down, and he has apparently said so.