‘See You Soon’ Minutes Of An imaginary IMF- Pakistan Climate Loan Meeting

A satirical dialogue on Pakistan's climate loan talk with the IMF, exposing reliance on consultants, bureaucratic excesses, and misplaced financial priorities while urgently seeking funds

‘See You Soon’ Minutes Of An imaginary IMF- Pakistan Climate Loan Meeting

PK: Welcome to Pakistan to discuss the ‘Climate Loan’. We have been excitedly looking forward to this meeting.

IMF: Thank you for your hospitality. Being a lending agency, we are always looking for someone looking for financial support. So, we make perfect partners.  But we need to justify why we are extending this loan.

PK: Oh, that is no problem, we shall hire a consultant, pay him a few million dollars, who will write a perfect report using all the right words, such as strategising Green Budgeting, enhancing Climate Resilience and Sustainability and planning for climate Adoption, Tagging and Tracking.

IMF: That sounds very promising. But why will you hire a consultant?

PK: We always do that.   We just paid $4.3 million to a consultant for getting us a good sale deal for PIA. Besides, our bureaucrats have more important tasks to perform. 

IMF: Well, that is your choice. Now please tell us what you will accomplish on the ground in real terms.

PK: To be honest, Nothing. We just desperately need ready cash for our much-needed reforms. You perhaps missed reading the recent 60-page newspaper supplement that described what we have done and plan to do.  To give you a flavour, we are doubling the size of our cabinet, tripling the salaries of our parliamentarians and buying a thousand or so cars for every department – starting with the FBR.   

IMF: Deeply appreciate. You do seem to have a pressing need for cash. Would $1 billion be fine, for now?

PK: That is excellent. We look forward to “see you soon".

Disclaimer: Any resemblance with the meetings held with the IMF, in the last 2 days is entirely incidental.