Ittefaq Nama

Ittefaq Nama

Taste is coming, hain ji? Mazza aa raha hai? I am not talking to poor awam. I am talking to those who brang Donkey King.

IMF got them by the throat. They called me. I didn’t take call. Al-Prince fust promised forex spote, then backtracked. They called me. I didn’t take call. Dollar soared. They called me. I didn’t take call. Stock market collapsed. They called me. I didn’t take call.

Taste is coming, hain ji?

Naw they are saying we want to fix things but problem is Mian Saab is not taking our calls. Damn rat I am not taking their calls.

New variant of dufferness has broken out. There is no vaccine against it. Only safety is in avoidance. Asaf Zardari knows it. Maulana knows it. Even Shbaz Saab knows it now.

Country has no gas, winters are here. My infarmants are saying duffers are trying to get gas out of Donkey King. And those in his cabinet who are braying day and night, defending sterling performance of government. They are all so full of gas, duffers think, that exploration should immediately be undertaken and all the gas taken out of them and given to poor suffering awam. Donkey King’s cabinet colleagues between them have gas reserves second only to Qatar and Abu Dhabi.

Oil is the other problem. IMF is saying increase it weekly. Duffers have decided to release the oil in Sheikh Rashid. He has vast oil reserves, second only to Saudi Arabia. They have correctly deduced depth of oil reserves in Sheikh Rashid because of his lifelong oily sycophanty of generals.

Saquib Nisar, another exposed asset, is saying do something for me. I am being zaleelofied on daily basis. So they have decided to appoint him National Hanging Judge (retd) with post facto glory, many plots in DHAs and agricultural acres in South Punjab and high platform shoes for increased self-worth.

Let it not be said they are not doing anything for a nation in distress.

Taste is coming?