La Familia 2
There is a split in La Familia 2 of the Punjab. Chory Shuj of Guj, known to be a gracious man, is said to be keen on a rapprochement with The Brothers Sharifov. It’s well known that there has been a lot of bad blood between these two houses, starting with the formers’ hijacking of the League in the Mush years. Two decades and much heartache later, there was at last a meeting but what it achieved is yet to be seen. We hear Chory Shuj, the ailing patriarch of La Familia 2, and his well reputed sons – as opposed to their ambitious cousin, scion of the younger Chory – feel that they should take the long view, be realistic in their demands and make up with The Brothers Sharifov. Rumour has it that they would be content with a reversion to status quo ante – the way things were in the 1990s with La Familia 2 in command of the Interior Ministry and sway over their home district. But the younger Chory and his heir have their eye on Takht Lahore, no less. That, the sage older man feels, is an unrealistic demand and ought to be dropped. Events, however, may overtake both factions.
“Diss Heart”
The word in the Oxford English dictionary is “disheartened”. However, it has now metamorphosed into an Urdu/Punjabi word – “Diss Heart”. The min to whom this applies most accurately these days is none other than that faithful retainer of Gate No 4. Isbad’s wags are saying he surreptitiously handed over an audio recording of The Great Khan to The Boyz, in which The Khan reportedly made disparaging remarks about No 1. Naturally, The Great Khan found out about it and was none too pleased. The Boyz too tend to avoid him these days, for obvious reasons, and so Gate No 4’s minion is sunk in a deep gloom.
Apple of their eye
Mir Hakim Mahmood Chaudhry, the latest addition to the Bhutto-Zardari family, is apparently the apple of his maternal uncle’s eye. The babe in arms is a great favourite with Bill and he spends every spare moment on facetime with his sister and her son. He has several cute photos of his nephew saved on his iPhone – and shows them proudly to friends and fam. A source close to the family says the new mum is keen on adding to her family quickly and is hoping for a little girl next. They are all decided on the name long before the child’s arrival – Benazir.