Such Gup

Such Gup


When things go wrong, everyone looks for scapegoats. One of the people upon whom blame is being heaped these days is The Man of Steel’s Dar-ling. Our mole in a recent cabinet meeting reported that there was some audible cribbing and complaining, directed at Dar-ling. Not so long ago, ministers would line up for a kindly glance from him but no longer. He has fallen from grace they think and they can now stick it in. Bad show. As in this cabinet meeting, with the hissing wafting up to Dar-ling, and his formerly regal visage darkening.

Weakest links

Informed sources report that The Great Khan keeps some of his “weakest links” well oiled by paying out regular stipends. One such is a fruit of his loins who gets a substantial monthly payout in greenbacks, routed through a relative of The Khan. Sadiq and Ameen, anyone?

Falling out

With all manner of worm coming out of the woodwork, it now emerges that our former Min of Int, the good Mr Bean, had a meltdown when he discovered that he could not take the Ayan Ali cash smuggling case to its logical conclusion. He was told in no uncertain terms that he had to go slow on the matter, and finally allow the bird to fly the coop. Many were baffled at the time but the late lamented Big Ben’s Hubby recently revealed the reason for the “go slow”. “I had the same evidence against ‘them’”, he is said to have declared to a friend.