Imperial College London has renamed its Central Library the Abdus Salam Library in recognition of the Nobel Prize-winning physicist
Imperial College London was founded in London by Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria. Additionally, Imperial is consistently rated as one of the top 10 institutions in the world.
At Imperial College London, Professor Salam made a significant contribution to the development of mathematics and quantum field theory. He was also a founding member of Imperial College's Theoretical Physics Department.
The Nobel Prize-winning Professor of Theoretical Physics, Abdus Salam, made a significant impact on Imperial during his career, as well as on the field of physics and science in general. President Hugh Brady remarked, "I hope the new Abdus Salam Library inspires many more individuals in the years to come.
In response to a report by the History Group, the university's administration board chose to rename the Central Library after Professor Salam. The paper focuses on the university's connections to notable individuals and little-known alumni from the institution's past.
"A crucial component of Imperial's response to this study is acknowledging the role of scholars like Professor Salam. According to a statement on the university's website, more work is being done in response to its findings, including various projects to commemorate under-celebrated people like Professor Salam physically on our campuses, via portraits, or through grants.
Abdus Salam received the 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in Stockholm, Sweden. He was the first Nobel laureate from Pakistan and strived to broaden the scientific knowledge of students from impoverished countries. He also supported the use of nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.