Your Weekly Tarot Forecast Is Here

Your Weekly Tarot Forecast Is Here
Gather around friends, we’re about to take a look into what this week might possibly bring for you. Every week The Friday Times’ resident astrologer will be pulling one card for each of the three major areas of your life: Self, Love and Career. Here’s what the week of Monday October 10 has in store for you.


The Judgement card depicts arch-angel Gabriel blowing a trumpet, and people rejoicing and approaching him with open arms. Have you been called to make a decision? Because if so, this card signifies the beginning of a new cycle. Someone may need to be held accountable for their past decisions before this change begins, and it could be someone in your life, or it could be you. It also suggests a need to hold yourself accountable through increased awareness: what are you turning a blind eye to, reader? What are you trying hard to repress? Once you begin the journey of this inward reflection and evaluation, change will greet you with arms wide open.


The strength card is a very positive card for anyone experiencing a challenging situation. If you have felt like you’ve been embroiled in a conflict with someone you love, the strength card means that you will be victorious and triumphant in your battles. This could manifest in a couple of ways: perhaps you and your partner are going through a turbulent period, or maybe you're trying to catch the attention of someone you like, or maybe you're wondering if the person you're with is the right one for you. Whatever your situation, it appears as though your days of worry are over, as you will be triumphant and overcome all the challenges you're experiencing.


You're heading upwards in terms of your career trajectory reader. The Sun is a wonderful card to get as it depicts entering a period of good fortune, harmony and joy. A smiling infant wearing a flower crown is seen riding on a white horse with sunflowers in the background, as a bright yellow sun shines in the background. What could be a happier picture than that? You might finally be getting that job you've always wanted, or a promotion, or recognition and appreciation for the work that you're doing. Either way, everything's coming up roses...err, sunflowers.