Weekly Horoscope For Sun 11 December To Sat 17 December 2022

Weekly Horoscope For Sun 11 December To Sat 17 December 2022

Recently, you’ve had to make tough decisions and, equally, stand your ground with others. The problem? Often you’ve been short of facts or, in unfamiliar situations, so unsure of others’ feelings or, actually, your own priorities. While this analysis is likely to be both dull and time-consuming, what you learn will clarify your plans and timing. This might even enable you to streamline certain otherwise distracting tasks.


For the past month or so, you’ve been juggling exciting yet, often, challenging arrangements, most involving finances or practicalities. Finally, you can escape these. The move by your ruler Venus to accent exciting ideas and interesting places to go is exactly what’s needed. For now, focus on taking mini-breaks. However, plan something more far-reaching. Within the coming weeks you’ll be ready for a proper getaway.


Although the build up to the Gemini Full Moon, on the 8th, was intense, life’s still unruly. Learn what you can, but for now, avoid tackling problems, yours or others’. Be patient. You’ll soon encounter insights that will both explain recent dramas and, better yet, offer solutions for those you’re currently facing. You’ll resolve most but, often, will find others’ ideas and input are worthwhile.


Life would be a lot easier if certain decisions could be made once and for all. However, with the foundation on which plans are based shifting, you’re better off focusing on what needs to be done right away. Gradually, however, you’ll realise that seemingly minor changes could extend over the coming weeks, if not become more far-reaching than expected. The secret? Begin planning ahead now.


Unsettling, if not upsetting, as the setbacks you’re facing seem, within days you’ll be grateful things didn’t go as expected. With the foundation on which certain arrangements are based shifting, even simple plans are like to change and change again. Knowing that, for now, regard what you organise as tentative and focus on exploring your options. Life will be less complicated and you’ll learn a lot.


As a through Virgo, when making plans of any kind, you try to doublecheck facts as you proceed. However, judging by the current tricky planetary setup, and your ruler Mercury being retrograde from later this month, you’re better off regarding even simple arrangements as flexible, if not a bit of an experiment. This may be out of character, but it will make life a lot easier.


For ages you’ve known you’d have to rethink, if not radically change, certain elements of your lifestyle. While you’ve put this off, events are cornering you into taking action. Actually, this is an unexpected relief. Better yet, delays are giving you a timely opportunity to seriously explore your options, as well as certain joint arrangements. What you learn now will pave the way for future plans.


While you were living through the days and weeks of the past month or so, life was unpredictable and, often, events disruptive. However, now that you’re looking back on what took place, it’s clear that what seemed unwelcome then were breakthroughs, but in disguise. Knowing that, explore similarly unwelcome changes. Gradually you’ll recognise them as timely, if disruptive, opportunities, and, equally, be thankful they took place.


Usually you don’t just embrace exciting ideas and, equally, enjoy exploring new places to go, you’ll turn even unsettling developments into something worthwhile. Now, however, events are more complex. They’re forcing you to conduct a serious rethink of certain longstanding arrangements. Tempting as it is to battle these, make a point of exploring them. Once you’ve learnt more, you’ll realise how much they have to offer.


One of your greatest gifts as a Capricorn is your capacity to discern between existing situations and future plans that are yours to deal with, versus those that are others’ responsibility. The problem? Recently you’ve had to shoulder others’ decisions or burdens, and said nothing at the time. Now, not only must you call attention to these, you must ensure those who’ll benefit also deal with them.


Over the recent weeks you’ve dealt with tricky individuals and, also, a series of setbacks, some as unexpected as they were complicated. However, now that you’re looking back on them, it’s become clear how much you learnt from each. Better yet, those insights will come in handy now and over the coming days, as you face decisions involving the people and the situations in question.


Your genuine concern for those who’re struggling may be one of your finest characteristics. Currently, however, it means you could become part of dramas that really aren’t your responsibility. True, saying a firm ‘no’ won’t be easy. If you’re struggling, make a single suggestion or do something you know will be helpful, then firmly back off. You’ve numerous other more pressing matters to deal with.