Pop culture generally means what object, practice or art is popular at a given in time in a specific society. In the case of modern pop culture this includes music, social media, fashion, slang, newsworthy people and places, etc. Pop culture is influenced more by the younger generation with easy access to social media allowing trends to spread throughout the nation. Pop culture is the method of communication for the youth. With whatever is the popular trend at the time being a main conversing point for people. This increased importance in pop culture has led to those in the springtime of life turning to becoming social media influencers garnering thousands of followers by creating trends and finding niches.
A popular form of pop culture is video games with a lot of younger people using video games as a way to pass time, connect with friends and relax. Video games have started to gain more popularity as the internet gets more accessible with games like PUBG, CSGO and Call of Duty being immensely popular amongst the youth. A big reason for the popularity behind video games is the replacement of the television or more specifically cable networks. 10 years ago, for example most people had access to cable which made television the best way to consume pop culture. But now with the internet people have easier ways of entertaining themselves this easy access has slowly made cable obsolete in the eyes of younger people. This has made social media, video games and platforms like Spotify the main pop culture of the people.
Television has been replaced by popular services like Netflix as they give such a wide array of content available without ads while also being far easier to access. This replacement can be seen as a catalyst towards western presence in Pakistani pop culture as the youth consumes a large amount of western tv shows through Netflix such as Peaky Blinders, Friends etc.
Music has gained immense popularity in modern Pakistan with musical artists like the Young Stunners, Rozeo, Hatim, Hassan and Roshaan these artists enjoying extensive popularity amongst the youth because they produce music that sounds western but in their own language. With most of the youth being heavily influenced by western pop culture due to the internet, seeing people make music that sounds like western music but is also sung in their own language and is talking about topics that they can culturally relate too is what makes these musicians popular.
In a similar way Pakistani youtubers gained popularity through producing content inspired by western creators for example vlogging was a popular trend in western nations so creators such as Irfan Junejo produced their own unique vlog content but using Pakistani culture and attractions making it popular amongst the people.
This pattern of re-producing western pop culture in a Pakistani way is what has given us the popular trends and has been the identity of Pakistani pop culture amongst the youth. This is true in almost every field from music to fashion with western style clothing being popular amongst city dwelling youths. The difference between pop culture in different parts of Pakistan is also present with the rural dwelling population enjoying subcontinental television serials and more content based in their environment while urban populations enjoy more western based content. These differences are what make the Pakistani pop culture so unique and vast that is impossible to really describe the full extent of it without extensive knowledge and experience of the whole country.