Transgender People: The Third Corner Of The Triangle Of Gender Equality

‘The world is full of chaos, and in that game of power and authority, sometimes we become crueler and crueler towards the already affected and marginalized people.’

Transgender People: The Third Corner Of The Triangle Of Gender Equality

Transgender people are the third part of the triangle of gender equality: people who are human in terms of their dignity and respect, people who enjoy the privilege of sharing the characteristics of both male and female, people who are survivors of their inner and outer battles diligently, people who are most kind suffered the most, people who see the world from different orientations and angles, people who are best at their art, people who dare to face the limited perception of cis-gender patients patiently, and people who are less likely to abuse others. Yes, these are the human people.

Transgender people are God Almighty’s creation and have equal rights to enjoy the beauty of nature and to feel all human emotions without any discrimination. They are also created in the image of God, having the same body parts, but just because their gender identity differs from the assigned sex doesn’t make them less human. Their sexual orientation doesn’t create chaos in their humanness. They are individuals with needs and wishes. Their urge to live life according to their own will is their right and their authority.

Their behavior is their problem or their tribulation until it affects the well-being of the community, but as far as my knowledge is concerned, each individual can ruin the peace of the community by their evil deeds. But just because they are easy to target, we have put our bullets in their direction because of their different sex orientations. Nobody has the right to decide about anyone’s life. If someone is created straight, then, believe me, you did nothing to enjoy that privilege, nor are you authoritative enough to claim others' gender inclinations.

The life of a transgender person is difficult to even imagine for a straight individual, who, instead of being grateful for their assigned gender, looks down upon the transgender. The battles that they fight are even harder to listen to. These are the courageous people who can live their lives alone. As man is created in pairs to enjoy life partnership, this trans-community is compelled to leave this concept behind. It’s very difficult for them to accept their gender identity and accept that they are different. Then that retaliatory behavior to leave their parents' house just because they first try to hide them and then ask Trans to change himself, and if the circumstances don’t go right, asking them to leave their parental home or to make them feel the environment isn’t safe anymore until the trans moves out intentionally isn’t the right thing to do. Understandably, it’s not easy for parents to face the community, but they need to give it thought process that even if straight, respectable, and stable parents can’t face that, then how trans people, who are suffering from the conflict of acceptance, will face the world even without parental support. Society is ready to eliminate them from each end; it's just your parental responsibility that can keep them going. After being abandoned by their family, they suffer the shame of accommodation, and then the matter of earning makes it harder and harder. Just to live, they are compelled to do the work of dancing and as sex workers. It’s not that the community imposes this on them; sometimes they choose to do that, but ultimately it’s society that makes them feel comfortable with these professions. We, as a society, keep the doors of other professions so locked and tight that they see dancing and sex work as their only options, or sometimes they are only capable of doing that as they are not skilled or educated.

So today is a very difficult time for each individual to survive and thrive. The world is full of chaos, and in that game of power and authority, sometimes we become more and more cruel towards the already affected and marginalized people. We try to punish people for the mistakes that they haven't committed. We try to be judgmental towards others and want to defend ourselves. Transgender people are part of the community and are so by nature. If we demand they move away from their nature, and as humans, why don’t we work on ourselves to save ourselves from sin? We are all responsible for our deeds, so instead of correcting them or making allegations against them, why don’t we concentrate on being good to others? While focusing on our deeds, trans people may get enough time to fight their inner and outer battles nicely and patiently and get time to prove themselves a valuable asset to the community. So let’s be kind to each other.