Ittefaq Nama

Ittefaq Nama
Many of my lovers are coming to see me from Lahore but I am not feeling like seeing anybody. Butt Saab has come from Gowalmandi, and is desirous of meeting which I can’t have because then somebody will take photoo and send it to Mraan whose trolls will put it on social media and say that see, I am not ill. At most I talk to visitors on phoon but no meetings, hain ji.

Butt Saab poor thing is lodged in a hotel on Edgware Road and his English is terrible. He rang me up and said, “Slaaan Laikam Sarr! In your love I am staying in this tarrible hotl sarr. And on top, my English is zero. Yasterday there was chooha running on ferozi carpet sarr. You know haw I hate choohas sarr. I jumped on sagging bad and bad clapsed sarr. Chooha was still there sarr. Than I jumped on sofia but there was table between bad and sofia so I hit my lag against table and fell on floor, missing sofia by inches. Some haw I scrambled on to sofia. Chooha was still on ferozi carpet, his sister’s and his mother’s, sarr. Thanks God naxt to sofia there was intercom. I called recaption and said sarr please come to room 420. They said why? I said far God sake, I am paying gast and there is chooha here and I am on sofia. They said you are wot? I said I am on sofia. They said that seems oright mate. I said what to do about chooha? They said the wot?

“Sarr, I was besides myself with anxiety so I said you know Tom and Jerry? The recaptionist said the cartoon? I said yes, and Jerry is in my room. Recaptionist said wot? I shotted JERRY IS IN MY ROOM! Oh I see, said recaptionist, there’s a MOUSE in your room. YES SARR, I said, please come here immediately and please bring Tom. Recaptionist said wot? I shotted FAR GOD SAKE STOP WOT WOT. BRING TOM SO THAT HE CAN CATCH JERRY!”

Poor Butt Saab