Establishment’s Interference In Judicial Affairs To End Soon, Says LHC CJ

'Interference in the judiciary will have to be fought with faith that it will come to an end.'

Establishment’s Interference In Judicial Affairs To End Soon, Says LHC CJ

Lahore High Court (LHC) Chief Justice Malik Shehzad Ahmed Khan remarked on Friday that he expects the establishment's intervention in judicial affairs would stop soon. 

"Interference in the judiciary will have to be fought with faith that it will come to an end," remarked the LHC chief judge during the inaugural ceremony of Rawalpindi's e-courts complex. 

The LHC chief justice stated that there was an issue with the establishment interfering in judicial matters and that they received letters asserting their involvement in judicial matters. 

"The establishment's interference in the judiciary will end, and my experience tells me that it will," stated the judge, declaring that these challenges would be resolved if there is fear of God.

The LHC chief justice expressed satisfaction that the judiciary is "fulfilling its responsibilities without fear or greed." 

The chief justice's remarks came after six Islamabad High Court (IHC) justices addressed a letter to the Supreme Court on March 25, accusing intelligence agencies of interfering with judicial matters. 

The IHC justices had asked Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa to convene a judicial convention to examine suspected intervention by intelligence agencies in judicial responsibilities or "intimidation" of judges in a way that endangered the judiciary's independence.