Gen Faiz Hameed Fallout: Army Confirms Arrests Of Further Officers

ISPR says three retired officers have been taken into military custody for their actions prejudicial to military discipline

Gen Faiz Hameed Fallout: Army Confirms Arrests Of Further Officers

The military on Thursday said that investigations into the alleged illegal acts of former spy chief Lt Gen (retired) Faiz Hameed have yielded further arrests of three retired officials who were involved in "actions prejudicial to military discipline".

In a statement issued on Thursday, the military's media wing, Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), said that three retired officers have been taken into military custody in connection with the field general court-martial proceedings against Lt Gen Hameed for their actions that were "prejudicial to military discipline."

"Further investigations of certain retired officers and their accomplices for fomenting instability at the behest of and in collusion with vested political interests are continuing," the brief statement said.

The statement, however, did not name the three officers or their rank. Sources, however, claim that two of the retired officers arrested are of brigadier ranks (one-star generals) and one is of a colonel rank.

It is pertinent to mention that earlier in the week, the military announced that it had taken Lt Gen (retired) Hameed into military custody pursuant to an order from the Supreme Court to conduct a court of inquiry over his alleged involvement in the Top City case.

Lt Gen Hameed, who was appointed to the premier spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), at the time, had allegedly abused his power to usurp large parts of the Top City housing society in Islamabad by holding its manager at gunpoint and used it as a conduit to funnel cash into various illegal activities.

However, the military said that during the court of inquiry, they discovered and established several actions of Lt Gen Faiz Hameed which he had undertaken after his retirement in November 2022, which violated his post-retirement obligations under the Army Act.