A thousand words
As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words. There’s a priceless one doing the rounds on social media. Arrayed in a line are worthies such as the Sheikh of Lal Haveli, KP’s head honcho, Sammy Of The Seminary, and a whole array of gents with excessive facial hair. The caption speaks volumes: “KP CM Pervez Khattak speaking at the Peshawar Literature Festival inaugural ceremony”. And we thought LitFests were composed of liberal, progressive intellectuals!
In a clinch
And then there’s the picture that’s not doing the rounds at all. But had it been revealed, it would’ve shown The Brothers Sharifov and The Prince aka MBS, in a warm clinch. This happened when The Brothers were summoned to the Land of Sand – to talk of regional matters, on the face of it – and MBS greeted them warmly. We hear the photo has been kept from a public airing at the specific request of MBS. Wonder why?
The leak
Our mole says The Great Khan is in a miff about who leaked the news of his nuptials to the Press. There were a select few at the occasion, we hear, so how did it get out? Her detractors within the group say it might’ve been the Peerni herself but according to reliable sources, it was the government’s sleuths who had paid off a member of the staff.