“The pain flares up from my ovaries, makes me cry as I couldn’t move, scream or sit properly. From stomach to thighs, I feel every part of my body is wounded with blades. The pain is not letting me die, I know it will last till the end of my life, ruining my social and marital life,” says Maheen (name changed for protection) a patient suffering from Endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease, which causes severe pains, inflammation, constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating, terrible pain in periods and intercourse. It affects differently to every woman, some have episodes of pain but some have constant pain in their pelvis. According to World Health Organization (WHO), it affects 10% of reproductive age women globally. The pain and peer pressure makes it worsen. Women usually don’t get to know about this disease as pain during periods is considered normal and unmarried women fear visiting gynecologist.
A 34 year old patient from Rawalpindi shares her fear during treatment. “I was diagnosed with Endometriosis 7 years ago. Since then, I used to go to doctor alone fearing that in waiting area I might see any of my relative, friends or colleague and they will judge me for going to gynaecologist being an unmarried girl.”
Another woman from Karachi, named Samina, shared her painful experience. “The periods’ cramps felt like labour pain, I used to scream while sitting in the washroom, people usually say that it’s a drama and I am perfectly ok but deep down only I knew how dreadful it was for me.”
Endometriosis is a condition in which abnormal tissues form outside the uterus such as ovaries and fallopian tubes. Ultrasound and blood tests are not considered as effective ways to diagnose endometriosis, the most definitive way to diagnose endometriosis is Laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is an operation in which a camera is inserted into the pelvis to look for the signs and details of endometriosis. The further operation is suggested according to the results of laparoscopy.
Most of the women fear laparoscopy as the scars of operation remain on their body and it is considered as a stigma for women in this society. Maheen, 27 years endometriosis patient shares that she was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis in 2021 but did not start the medication prescribed by gynaecologist because the attitude of doctor was not good. According to her, the gynaecologist did not inform her properly about her disease and told her to reduce the weight otherwise they will opt for operation.
Maheen expressed her painful experience, “I always ask my doctor about the chances of infertility in future, I am scared to the core about the issues I might face during my married life. The doctor advised laparoscopy for the proper diagnosis but I fear that would affect my ovaries and I might not be able to reproduce in future. I always feel scared to visit doctor as on every visit I came to know something more torturing about my disease.”
Most of the time women are barred from sharing about their disease with their husbands to be, so that it would not be revealed before marriage that woman is having some issue that can affect reproduction. Maheen shared that her mother categorically told her that main purpose of marriage is to reproduce and now all the time she thinks about that and feel worried about her future.
A gynaecologist, serving in a private hospital of Islamabad, prescribed dicloran to young endometriosis patient who was suffering from chronic pain that too without listening to her properly. The trainee doctor told her that prescribing dicloran is not allowed in this hospital.
Maheen shared that her experience with senior doctors is worst. According to her they don’t listen to the patient properly. A doctor serving in Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) shared her experience as; “All the time I am flooded with patients, I can’t listen to anyone of them properly. Women scream with pain, we can’t decide who to prioritise and who not to. We always try our best to accommodate all of them but due to large number of patients it can't be managed. Because of these issues most of them can't get a proper treatment.”
Many females shared their experiences with gynaecologists on social media, stating that the doctor was extremely rude to them when they shared their disease. Many activists have also raised their voice to highlight the issue of ill-treatment by gynaecologists especially in public hospitals.
Women physically and mentally suffer due to endometriosis. Our norms, myths and ignorance towards women's reproductive health leave women untreated. The women who are more than half of the population are major contributors in development of the country, if their health and treatment would not be given importance, their productivity will decrease which will eventually affect the economy of country.
Endometriosis is a chronic disease, which causes severe pains, inflammation, constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating, terrible pain in periods and intercourse. It affects differently to every woman, some have episodes of pain but some have constant pain in their pelvis. According to World Health Organization (WHO), it affects 10% of reproductive age women globally. The pain and peer pressure makes it worsen. Women usually don’t get to know about this disease as pain during periods is considered normal and unmarried women fear visiting gynecologist.
A 34 year old patient from Rawalpindi shares her fear during treatment. “I was diagnosed with Endometriosis 7 years ago. Since then, I used to go to doctor alone fearing that in waiting area I might see any of my relative, friends or colleague and they will judge me for going to gynaecologist being an unmarried girl.”
Another woman from Karachi, named Samina, shared her painful experience. “The periods’ cramps felt like labour pain, I used to scream while sitting in the washroom, people usually say that it’s a drama and I am perfectly ok but deep down only I knew how dreadful it was for me.”
Endometriosis is a condition in which abnormal tissues form outside the uterus such as ovaries and fallopian tubes. Ultrasound and blood tests are not considered as effective ways to diagnose endometriosis, the most definitive way to diagnose endometriosis is Laparoscopy. Laparoscopy is an operation in which a camera is inserted into the pelvis to look for the signs and details of endometriosis. The further operation is suggested according to the results of laparoscopy.
Most of the women fear laparoscopy as the scars of operation remain on their body and it is considered as a stigma for women in this society. Maheen, 27 years endometriosis patient shares that she was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis in 2021 but did not start the medication prescribed by gynaecologist because the attitude of doctor was not good. According to her, the gynaecologist did not inform her properly about her disease and told her to reduce the weight otherwise they will opt for operation.
Maheen expressed her painful experience, “I always ask my doctor about the chances of infertility in future, I am scared to the core about the issues I might face during my married life. The doctor advised laparoscopy for the proper diagnosis but I fear that would affect my ovaries and I might not be able to reproduce in future. I always feel scared to visit doctor as on every visit I came to know something more torturing about my disease.”
Most of the time women are barred from sharing about their disease with their husbands to be, so that it would not be revealed before marriage that woman is having some issue that can affect reproduction. Maheen shared that her mother categorically told her that main purpose of marriage is to reproduce and now all the time she thinks about that and feel worried about her future.
A gynaecologist, serving in a private hospital of Islamabad, prescribed dicloran to young endometriosis patient who was suffering from chronic pain that too without listening to her properly. The trainee doctor told her that prescribing dicloran is not allowed in this hospital.
Maheen shared that her experience with senior doctors is worst. According to her they don’t listen to the patient properly. A doctor serving in Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) shared her experience as; “All the time I am flooded with patients, I can’t listen to anyone of them properly. Women scream with pain, we can’t decide who to prioritise and who not to. We always try our best to accommodate all of them but due to large number of patients it can't be managed. Because of these issues most of them can't get a proper treatment.”
Many females shared their experiences with gynaecologists on social media, stating that the doctor was extremely rude to them when they shared their disease. Many activists have also raised their voice to highlight the issue of ill-treatment by gynaecologists especially in public hospitals.
Women physically and mentally suffer due to endometriosis. Our norms, myths and ignorance towards women's reproductive health leave women untreated. The women who are more than half of the population are major contributors in development of the country, if their health and treatment would not be given importance, their productivity will decrease which will eventually affect the economy of country.