Why Businesses Should Invest In Confidential Computing

Why Businesses Should Invest In Confidential Computing
Confidential computing is a type of cloud computing technology which differs from traditional cloud computing. It is because, unlike traditional cloud computing, confidential computing keeps the sensitive data detached in a secure CPU enclave while processing the data. Furthermore, the data to be processed, along with the technique used to process it, is only accessible to the users using only an authorised programming code. Furthermore, this authorised programming code is unknowable to anyone else, including the cloud provider of the service. 

The Benefits Of Confidential Computing 

Many companies currently either use public or hybrid cloud services. In such a scenario, data privacy becomes critical. Cloud computing ensures that the data in the cloud is protected and remains confidential. Having a good internet speed is essential to use confidential computing seamlessly. Companies can use Speed Test to check the internet speed if they face lagging issues while using cloud computing. Confidential computing comes with the assurance that no one can lay their hands on the company's sensitive data. Listed below are a few reasons why businesses should invest in confidential computing. 

To Protect Sensitive Data 

The primary use of confidential computing includes protecting sensitive data, as discussed above. In addition, it extends the functionalities of cloud computing to deal with sensitive workloads. A mix of confidential computing and data encryption provides robust security to data both during rest and in transit. Also, it gives the users access to modern public cloud platforms. 

To Meet Compliance Requirements

Cases of data breaches have become increasingly common. Consequently, many businesses must meet various compliance regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR. Confidential computing helps firms meet compliance regulations by ensuring the safety of sensitive data and that too throughout the processing lifecycle of the data. 

Secure Collaboration 

Confidential computing allows the leader to provide the required access to users from around the globe. It, in turn, strengthens the collaboration between the organization and the different partners. A good internet speed, which the firms can verify on Zong is a must, especially for remote collaboration. Confidential computing supports collaboration as it ensures all the parties involved the confidentiality of the data. 

With cloud computing, it is also possible for the organization to provide access to certain information to the partner while at the same time keeping other sensitive information out of the bay. It makes cloud computing an effective collaboration tool for organizations. 

To Protect Intellectual Property 

Businesses can use confidential computing not only for data protection but also for the protection of intellectual property. For instance, it is common for many organizations to use confidential computing to protect intellectual property like machine learning algorithms and business logic. 

Advanced Hardware-Based Protection 

It is a common assumption that encryption is only linked to the software. However, this is not the case. Confidential computing ensures data protection both on the hardware and software front. Many companies utilize confidential computing in the processors. In addition, with the rising popularity of confidential computing, many cloud providers have also started offering businesses confidential virtual machines. Thus, organizations use confidential computing to protect data in hardware and software systems. 

To Protect Data Stored At Edge

Edge computing brings the data close to data sources through a distributed computing framework. Local edge servers and IoT devices use edge computing. When the companies store the data at the edge, they are comparatively more vulnerable. Confidential computing allows the firms to ensure that the data stays protected even when it is present at the edge nodes. 

Saves Cost

Confidential computing can also help businesses to cut costs. The cost associated with data breaches is high; the same is true when firms violate compliance regulations. Confidential computing helps prevent data breaches and also helps meet compliance regulations. Therefore, it helps the firms to save money by saving them from fines, legal fees and more. 

Which Business Can Benefit From Confidential Computing?

Confidential computing can benefit businesses operating in numerous industries. It can play a crucial role in the following sectors: mobility, engineering and manufacturing, healthcare and research and finance. For example, cloud computing is necessary for businesses dealing with financial services as they are most prone to cyberattacks. By using confidential computing in the workflow, financial service providers can eliminate any vulnerabilities present in the system. There are many use cases of confidential computing in different sectors of business.

Confidential computing is now revolutionising how companies take care of their security aspects. It is here to stay and thrive in the future.