PTI’s Parvez Elahi Released From Jail

Elahi says, “I was, am, and will remain with Imran Khan.”

PTI’s Parvez Elahi Released From Jail

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) President Parvez Elahi was released from Kot Lakhpat Jail in Lahore on Tuesday after being imprisoned for several months. 

The development comes after the Lahore High Court (LHC) granted the PTI leader's bail in the Punjab Assembly illegal recruiting case. LHC Justice Sultan Tanvir announced the reserved ruling on Elahi's bail plea.

Following his release, Elahi arrived at his residence in Lahore. 

Elahi was one of scores of PTI leaders detained during a crackdown on the opposition party in the aftermath of the May 9 riots. 

The violent riots erupted throughout the country on May 9, 2023, following the arrest of PTI founder Imran Khan in a corruption case.

Earlier this month, the Islamabad High Court ordered the Interior Ministry to conclude the procedure for placing Elahi under house arrest within 15 days. 

The court issued its directions after approving a plea seeking either the relocation of the PTI leader to a hospital or the declaration of the residence as a sub-jail. 

In a statement, Elahi praised Allah for his release and stated, "God gave me the strength to remain steadfast." I'm grateful to the judges who backed the truth and got me out."

According to the PTI president, the people of Gujarat "had to suffer a lot of abuse and cruelty." He alleged that the PTI's mandate had been stolen in his native city. "We will not talk to Chaudhry Shujaat Sahib's children until our mandate is given back to us." 

"I was, am, and will stand with the founder of PTI," he concluded.