British Govt Initiates Probe Into Detention Camp Built By Hitler At Alderney Island

British Govt Initiates Probe Into Detention Camp Built By Hitler At Alderney Island
Britain has initiated an investigation into a detention camp built by Hitler on the tiny island of Alderney that has been under its control for 80 years.

Alderney was occupied by the German government during World War II.

According to British media reports, recent evidence suggests that the SS, a special force of the Nazi army, operated two detention centers in Alderney.

Thousands of Russian, Ukrainian, African, Spanish, and Jewish citizens were imprisoned in these centers.

According to the recorded testimony of eyewitnesses, prisoners were systematically killed there.

80 years after these horrific events, the British government decided to hold an inquiry into the prisoners killed by the Nazis at the Alderney Island detention center.

There are conflicting accounts of the death toll at Alderney Detention Centre, with some putting the figure at between 700 and 1,000, while others believe that a much larger number of inmates were killed.

The new inquiry will scrutinize the researchers' claims, with some researchers claiming that thousands of people could be buried in mass graves here.

After the Nazi occupation, the British population of Alderney migrated, after which Germany built a detention center here.

Evidence was gathered and testimonies were recorded in relation to this detention center, but no one accused of war crimes was brought to justice.