Diary of a Social Butterfly

Diary of a Social Butterfly
It’s happened. Mukhtar, the sweeper has Cowid. Haan. We found out because Janoo’s so polaroid, he does tests every month na on everyone in the house. Even the servants. Tests are so expensive kay I swear they’re going to make us bangrupt. But chalo even if we die of hunger at least we’ll have the comfort of knowing we didn’t die of Cowid. And guvmunt can go on saying kay Cowid deaths are western drama and anyone who beliefs in western scientists ki bakwaas is doing goron ki ghulami. Thanks God the tests that we do and the ventilators that we use and the medicines that we take were all invented here only. By us desis. Otherwise can you imagine how much ghulami we would have done then?

So Janoo’s put Mukhtar in isolation – thanks God he and I were not close – and got the house sterilized from top to bottoms. It smells like a phenyl factory now but I damn care. I mean who’s to smell? It’s not as if there’s any ana jana. Everyone is stuck up at home only. So much of Cowid everywhere. Everyone who’s everyone has it. Aur tau aur, even us Gulberg wallahs have got. Imagine!

On top there’s the added syapa of atta shortage. Janoo says it’s unheard of during harvest time. Like thirst in monsoon. Prices are through the root. Thanks God our atta comes from Janoo’s backside only. Oho baba from his Lands. I’m on my low carves diet vaisay bhi so I’m not missing but what I am missing, so much so much kay don’t even ask, is London. Between you, me and the four walls, summers are not summers without Selfridges. I said to Janoo kay chalo if we can’t go to London lets at least do an olden times ki holiday in Nathia. He exploded like an atom bum and said it would be extremely irresponsible to take our germs there. I said to him I was only taking my suitcase there but if you’re going to eat my head and drink my blood then I’ll just take holiday in my lounge. Happy?