Benazir Bhutto emerged as a symbol of resistance and democracy and her demise was a loss for both the PPP and Pakistan. Her passing left a void which was filled by populist politics. The PPP lost a charismatic leader and became distant from the middle class, says analyst Zaigham Khan.
Speaking at programme Khabar Say Aagay, he noted that a populist and fascist party would never have come to being if Benazir was still alive.
She used to speak of reconciliation and managed to unite the nation on the platform of democracy; the iconic leader had a pivotal role in the Charter of Democracy, the analyst said.
"Benazir would have even incorporated Imran Khan in Charter of Democracy if she was alive today."
President PILDAT Ahmad Bilal Mehboob said the former premier remained firm in extremely difficult circumstances.
She displayed patience when her rivals used abusing language against her as she was focused on her objectives, he added.
Benazir was able to appeal to every stratum of the society with the level of intellect that she had.
Speaking on the occasion, host Murtaza Solangi said the ex-premier was a democratic leader and she demonstrated the same traits.
Despite the negative politics of the 90s, she strived to introduce a certain political culture, contrary to the political norms of today.
Flagship Naya Daur TV show Khabar Say Aagay streams Monday to Saturday at 9pm.
Speaking at programme Khabar Say Aagay, he noted that a populist and fascist party would never have come to being if Benazir was still alive.
She used to speak of reconciliation and managed to unite the nation on the platform of democracy; the iconic leader had a pivotal role in the Charter of Democracy, the analyst said.
"Benazir would have even incorporated Imran Khan in Charter of Democracy if she was alive today."
President PILDAT Ahmad Bilal Mehboob said the former premier remained firm in extremely difficult circumstances.
She displayed patience when her rivals used abusing language against her as she was focused on her objectives, he added.
Benazir was able to appeal to every stratum of the society with the level of intellect that she had.
Speaking on the occasion, host Murtaza Solangi said the ex-premier was a democratic leader and she demonstrated the same traits.
Despite the negative politics of the 90s, she strived to introduce a certain political culture, contrary to the political norms of today.
Flagship Naya Daur TV show Khabar Say Aagay streams Monday to Saturday at 9pm.