Who Will Rescue Pakistani Children?

Who Will Rescue Pakistani Children?
During the Holocaust, Britain opened its border to Jewish children, rescuing and offering them a chance at living  even if it was of basic survival.

Given the revolting conditions within which Pakistani children are born and the shocking reality that is their existence constituting of horrific abuse, malnutrition and inhuman treatment, I wonder if any nation is willing to open its borders to these children?

We’ve been here before. Far too many times. Sexual abuse, paedophilia, underage employment all the horrors of lack of humanity are not just commonly experienced by Pakistani children by and large, but it is in fact, their only reality.

State failure is always a sore, consistent factor. The cancer that refuses to be cured and fails to heal no matter what treatment is given. Societal fragmentation creates more cracks in which these children continue to fall into the endless abyss of a horrid existence.

And what of legal protection? For an Islamic state, where natural disasters are attributed to jeans clad females something which science has failed to identify, women walking on the streets are a major cause of haya but men pissing on the street isn’t, one can only marvel that such a state would surely have the means to protect the innocent of innocents?

Not really. Because even when evidence is provided holding someone who merely fell prey to the devil and is otherwise a Very Good Human Being, the evidence is wrong but the person conducting the rape of a child is not.

Where does one even begin to process this?

At this point where a child rapist was released on the basis that the footage and images did not ‘match his face’, the glaring reality is not only about the judgment, but it is about how we as Pakistanis enable such acts of injustice and cruelty to take place.

In the 90s in Lahore there was an anti corruption campaign which consisted of billboards saying ‘Rishwat leyna jis ka kaam, zaleel kameena uska naam’.

One has yet to see a protest about the need to control the population. One has also yet to see a public campaign on the streets about what rape is and how un-Islamic it is. By and large, families have yet to accept realise that their own family members can harm their children. Everything is swept under the rug.

What we have seen is some of the most woke politicians who were part of a party that promised change be in charge of the human rights ministry. We’ve also seen a Prime Minister describe the problem of children’s sexual abuse as a mere embarrassment.

At this point we’ve all gambled with Pakistani children’s lives when we choose to stay silent over their treatment. We’ve all made deals with the Universe to protect our own offspring. We're sufficiently apathetic to stay a broken society watching a state sink lower and lower.

Meanwhile one more child gets raped. And the law continues to believe the rapist is innocent because the law doesn’t identify children as victims of rape.

Pakistani children deserve better. Is there a country who is willing to take them? Because we sure as hell aren’t able to give them basic survival.