Such Gup

Such Gup

“Where to, Guv?”

Ever wondered what became of an erstwhile Guv of the Punjab, who jumped ship from The Brothers Sharifov and went over to The Great Khan? “Where to, Guv?” we might ask, in the manner of London cabbies, for he seems to have run aground on the rocks of The Khan’s indifference. But if truth be told, the Guv was a reluctant debutante. His first choice was to become Pak’s HC in London, when The Brothers Sharifov came to power in 2013, thereby retaining his links with his country of adoption and also basking in the glory of his country of origin. But that didn’t happen because the Brits said “no thanks”, possibly as a result of the Guv’s earlier run-in with the Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs.

Grumbling galore 

There’s grumbling galore amongst the business community about the non-implementation of the so-called export package whereby a 5% rebate was agreed months ago. The dwindling tribe of captains of industry are complaining that there’s been no movement on this while our exports are going down, and imports are going up. Remittances too are down, we hear but The Man of Steel’s Dar-ling  says in his defense that he has achieved macro-economic stability, reserves are up, from an all-time low left by Hubby & Co. We hear Dar-ling burns the midnight oil to the extent of occasionally sleeping overnight in his office -- on a mattress on the floor! But there's no satisfying some people -- even those in business amongst La Famiglia who worry about the lack of an economic dividend to the electorate. Privately they insist that Dar-ling must give out the export incentive promised by The Man of Steel, otherwise we'll make shipwreck, spending more than we earn.