SUCH GUP: Stranger in the House

SUCH GUP: Stranger in the House

Stranger in the House

A member of Parliament, partisan of the late lamented Big Ben’s party stood his ground and resisted the bullying of a man in khaki. A man who was in any case a stranger in the House, in Parliamentary parlance. The gent is an aide to The Man of Steel’s Talented Bro and while Parliament was in session, he asked the honourable member to remove his guests from the gallery. It is common practise and perfectly legal for members to invite guests to sit in the galleries above the floor of the House. However, the khaki gent may have had a bee in his bonnet about the Pips from Karachi who were occupying the gallery at their Member’s invitation. He asked the member to “remove” his guests. The member asked on what grounds. There being none, the khaki gent nonetheless insisted. The member resisted and said it would be a disgrace to himself and his invitees. There then ensued a bit of a fracas in the House, with other members rallying to the defence of their colleague. The khaki gent told the member that Talented Bro was asking for the removal of the guests, whereupon the honourable member lost it and asked the khaki what gave him the right to read out the orders to him. He demanded that Talented Bro speak to him directly. Since it was not Bro’s demand in the first place, the khaki gent had to retire hurt and withdraw. The member’s guests stayed out in the gallery and the incident was marked as a small victory for the civvies.

The Pope & his cardinals

All eyes are on the forthcoming bye-elections; there is a feeling that the results will seal the fate of the sitting government. Apparently, it’s been decided that if The Man of Steel’s party acquits itself well and wins the majority of seats, the government will be “allowed” to continue. And the reverse if not — our mole says this is a compact between the Pope and his College of Cardinals. They say the same has been conceded to The Great Khan and his horde, including The Khan’s lobby within. Another momentous decision may follow thereupon, the ground for which was so kindly laid in legislation by The Khan himself and the then Chief Adjudicator. What you sow, so shall you reap.

Thanks but no thanks

We hear cohorts of The Great Khan tried to reach out to their erstwhile allies from the Quaid-e-Qiwam’s party, to try and pull them out of their alliance with Hubby and the government. Various inducements were offered but they reverted with the reply that theirs was a done deal with Hubby. Apparently, they have been handed charge of Kay Dee Aye, and money makes the mare go. Thanks but no thanks, they told The Khan’s messengers.