Such Gup

Such Gup

On the road

A police officer who debriefed a jihadi in his custody had an interesting story to tell. This happened last year when a suicide mission was thwarted and both the driver of the vehicle and his accomplice were arrested. It appears that the suicide bomber was first at the wheel, and as his target approached, he began to drive the car in a zigzag pattern. His accomplice, becoming alarmed, offered to change places with him. Once behind the wheel, the accomplice asked his partner why he was driving the car in a zigzag pattern. The would-be suicide bomber apparently replied that as his time to enter Paradise approached, he could see the 72 houris on the road, beckoning him. And since they were standing randomly on the road, he had to drive zigzag to avoid bumping into them.

In flagrante

Rumour has it that the spooks have uncovered the extra curricular activities of a member of The Man of Steel’s cabinet and are keeping it under wraps for the moment. They say the gent has been fraternizing with a lady at a local hotel, whereas he has an official residence not far from the place. Apparently, the spooks have a record of check-ins and check-outs, apart from some photos. And while we’re at it, let’s also inform you that Whatsapp isn’t as secure as imagined. It’s true that Whatsapp conversations can’t be accessed because they’re encrypted but what the spooks can discover is how many times people have been in touch with each other via WA. If only this expertise and attention could be focused solely on terrorists who are at war with us.