Such Gup


The recently inaugurated initiative to build free soup kitchens for the needy is a sort of thanksgiving exercise. Ask not for what though, because that could land this scribe in trouble! But we cannot resist giving you a hint. Wags across the land are saying there was serious strife in paradise a few months ago, with all indications of a parting of ways, but this was papered over subsequently and fences were mended. Her Holiness then recommended that a thanksgiving exercise be undertaken immediately and nothing pleases the Almighty more than feeding the hungry, it was declared. Hence the langarkhanas.

U-Turn again

There was a big clamour a few weeks ago about an imminent reshuffle of the team, with portfolios being snatched away from the unfortunate and new ones being allocated to the lucky winners. All that is now water under the bridge. Apparently, the Maulana’s challenge is being taken seriously and it is believed that none except the current Min of Int can cope with the test. Even his detractors in The Great Khan’s horde admit that he is experienced and battle-hardened, and that to change this particular horse in the midst of battle would be disastrous.

Blithe reply

When someone reminded an aide of The Great Khan that the government’s new appointee to that coveted seat in New York was once accused of inflicting physical abuse upon his lady love, the aide blithely replied, “to uss mein kya hai? What does that matter?”