Ittefaq Nama

Ittefaq Nama
Just look at! Dekhain zara! What-what they will do to stop me. How-how they will stoop to halt me. But I’m also going to fight till bitter and. Moreover, they are accusing me of every sin in the book, including that I am soft on Modi. Alright then, I will go whole hog (astaghfirullah, since hogs are haraam).

I’m spired by our neighbours and their functional democracy, not langri one like ours. I am also spired by Ayurvedic medicine, yoga and other healthy practices – although I’m sadly into bad parhezi. Anyhaw, everyone can change and I’m going to do so, if only to tung karo “them”. I’m going to get thalis, become vegetarian, ask cabinet members to wear saris (females only), and put that red stuff in their partitions. Everyone will have to dispose of “Fear & Lovely” creams because from now on, The Look is going to be all dark-dark.

Naw my mission is to be just like Modi & Co across the border. I’ve even started speaking like them. When Shbaz Saab said to me that Bhaijan why you’ve started doing all this, don’t we have enough problems already, I replied: “because I’m like that only”, while doing that wobbly head thing.

I also told him that I’m working on a complete transportation. “You mean transformation”. “Whatever”, I said soothingly, like peacenik Mahatma Gandhi. Now I’m not going to shout or argue. I’m doing quite, peaceful opposition.

I’ve told my assistants that please bring coconuts to every jalsa. Before jalsa, we will smash coconuts on the flexes with my face and election symbol of loin.

Shbaz Saab is very upset and he says we will look ridiculous. I told him that Gandhiji would not like him to say hurtful things to his brother. Inside, I was furious at him but I took five yogic deep breaths and repeated to myself: “Peace. Ahimsa. Aishwarya.”

For dinner, I ordered a thin-si, soupy-si daal with white rice and mutter paneer. Shbaz Saab said, “Bhaijan, for God’s sake, even the servants don’t eat things like this”. I said, “Chhee, chhee!” and since he didn’t want any of this food, I had to unfortunately sit cross-legged on the floor and eat it all myself.