Such Gup

Such Gup

Thus spake …

Once, when asked who he thought was the best Muslim and best Pakistani, the late and great Abdul Sattar Edhi replied, “Ardeshir Cowasjee”. The late Mr Cowasjee was a columnist, citizen activist and leading Zoroastrian from Karachi’s distinguished Parsi community.

Mohenjo Daro

They say it’s going to be a blockbuster and an epic adventure-romance film. “Mohenjo Daro” a Bollywood big budget extravaganza, will be released next month. Starring Hrithik Roshan, the film is set in the Indus Valley of 5000 years ago, with music composed by the Oscar-winning genius A R Rahman. We’ve heard that Rahman will also be singing a song for “Mohenjo Daro”, the first playback recording he’s ever done. Entitled “Tum Ho”, the song will be released this month, weeks before the film begins to show. The heroine, played by Pooja Hegde, says she studied history at school and “found the chapter on Mohenjo Daro boring”. She has since changed her mind and is now said to be so interested in the ancient Indus Valley site that she is applying for a visit visa to Pakistan, and has invited Hrithik Roshan and A R Rahman to accompany her. If this trio does end up visiting Pakistan, they may coincide with another Bollywood star, Kangana Ranaut, who’s been invited to an education seminar in Lahore.

Feather in his cap 

A canny hairdresser is said to have advised The Great Khan that he should go grey, slowly, and set himself apart from all the kala kola-d members of our political elite. We hear The Khan was considering it, and his whitening sideburns peeked out for a few days before he reverted to form. He should go for it – it’ll be another first and a feather in his cap.