Mujibur Rahman Shami Calls For Civil Rights Of Religious Minorities

'There is a minority in Pakistan that we cannot name. They call themselves Ahmadis. We call them Qadiani. We have made their lives miserable.' 

Mujibur Rahman Shami Calls For Civil Rights Of Religious Minorities

There is a minority in Pakistan that we cannot name. They call themselves Ahmadis. We call them Qadiani. We have made their lives miserable. We will not let you sacrifice animals on Eid; we will not let you pray; we will not let you buy goats; you will buy a goat worth Rs50,000, which we will take back in Rs25,000. What is this drama?

This was stated by senior journalist Mujibur Rahman Shami on a private news channel.

Shami said that one person was killed in Swat. He was staying in a hotel and was killed after he was accused of burning the pages of the Holy Quran. There are also rumors that an employee at the hotel stole something from his room, and when he was caught, he made the accusation. Whatever the truth, whatever the commotion, the mob that gathered, the way he was burned alive, the attack on the police station—what is all this?

Shami said that the whole nation is calling that act wrong. According to Allama Raghib Naimi, this is an abominable act. Other scholars and politicians are also saying the same. There is no difference in that. Now it is the job of the law enforcement agencies and the judiciary to bring these people to justice.

The senior journalist further said that religious extremism, which you impose on people and make people's lives miserable, is not allowed in Islam. This is a clear violation of the teachings of the Messenger of Allah. The culprits should be punished.

“Every day there are attacks on the houses of the Christians. Police arrest those involved in mob attacks, but tell me how many people have been punished,” he questioned.

Shami said that every person who is a citizen of Pakistan, belonging to any religion, race, or interest, his life, his property, and his dignity are the responsibility of the state of Pakistan.

“You declared [Ahmadis] a minority, but at least listen to them; they also have civil rights; respect them. Shami said, “It is a time to get rid of fear and speak the truth. Don't be afraid of the crowd or the unruly religious leaders. The law should have the power to scare these people and teach them the manners of life.”

These statements of Mujeebur Rahman Shami are also important in the context that he himself has always belonged to the right wing and advocates the Islamic system. His brave talk on the national TV channel is also being appreciated on social media.