Diary of a Social Butterfly

Diary of a Social Butterfly
Vaisay one thing I’ve seen: life, na, it’s all ups and downs. First there was that tabahi cricket win of ours over India by 180 runs and I don’t know how many hundreds of wickeds. As Mother Andrews at the Convent of Jesus and Mary used to say, one mustn’t be boast full but still it was so nice to beat India. And you know why it was sooo nice? Not because I think of them as dushmans – baba, how can a country that gave us Shahrukh Khan and paan masala be my dushman? But because they were cock sure that they were better than us and that they could beat us with their eyes closed. I tau don’t go on Twitter Shwitter but apparently Rushy Kapoor was going on boasting about how they were going to make kachoomar out of us. So, obbiously, one feels like rubbing their noses in it now.

After that “up” came two “downs” – and what horrible downs. First tau there was that murder of Shias in Parachinar (I think so it’s somewhere in North Pole of Pakistan) and after that the diesel tanker tragedy. And just before Eid also. Can you imagine what sort of Eid those families must’ve had? I think so all those Indian cricket fans, they’ve given us bad glances. (Burri nazar). Vaisay, have you heard of that Green Fell Tower fire in London? Bhai I tau don’t even go inside the computer but Janoo told me that you can’t open an English newspaper or listen to their news for one minute even without coming across Green Fell. So much the goras are upset about it. And just look at us: every other day people are being shot or burnt or bombed and we are least bothered. So baba, I’m tau taking action. I’m not going to be one of those who just sits around moaning. No, I’m getting off my bums and actually doing something. I’m calling the Old Bag and telling her to please buy a black sheep from Janoo’s account and have it slaughtered in Sharkpur to take away all bad glances just now only.