Ittefaq Nama

Ittefaq Nama
They said it would be jalsa of Arabs. But there were only few thousands. Beloved Lahoris did not turn up for Imran Khan. I thank them from the bottoms of my heart. As I said in humourless aside:

Jalsa Lahore da

Majma Peshore da

Agenda kissay hore da

Look at Imran’s obsessions though: cruption, disqualification, PMship. Wickets, sixers, PMship. Cheetas, dogs, PMship. Ladies, lotas, PMship.

Which reminds me: stage was full of lotas. Some taken from me, some from Asif Zardari, some from Mush. All these relationships are built on mutual misunderstanding. And then they were shouting themselves horse about principles. Leave it ji!

Gone are the days when Americans could call up The Boyz and get things done. Trump can hardly be defender of worldwide democracy when he is busy subverting it every day in US itself. In past, even Republicans use to be defenders of democracy. Remember when Mush tried to impose Emer Gency? Fust he tried it in September 2007, but Americans stopped him (finally he did it in November but not before being told off).

Apparently, his finger was two inches away from Emer Gency button when phone rang. “Hello? Kaun?” he said. “It’s me only. Condi Rice, Secretary of State. Listen, I’m telling you that bilkull don’t even think about it, ok? Varna no one will be worst than us. And then don’t say we didn’t say. Now take your finger off the button and go to sleep. And when you wake up in the morning, go and Do More.”

Sigh. Those were the days.

Just because there’s been no coo, doesn’t mean that a coo hasn’t taken place. I can’t belief what has happened. Sometimes I think maybe Pinky Pirni’s kala jadoo has actually worked. But they can’t keep people away from our jalsas. I think so now they’re trying to do elections in the burning heat or in floods, when people become macarooned in their villages and can’t go to polling booths. What will be, will be. Qaisera, Qaisera.

BTW, who Qaisera is?