Global North Leaders' Silence on West Bank Atrocities Despite Validated Israeli Allegations

Global North Leaders' Silence on West Bank Atrocities Despite Validated Israeli Allegations

Sajid Tarrar and Faraz Darvesh join Misbah Azam to discuss the deeply distressing situation between Hamas and Israel. 

Israel's response appears to be disproportionately severe, with accusations of actions amounting to genocide, including attacks on hospitals, mosques, and churches – all considered categorical war crimes. 

Recent diplomatic efforts by the Arab League and OIC proved unsuccessful in reaching a resolution. Iran's proposal to label Israel as a terrorist state was rejected, as was Syria's suggestion to sever diplomatic ties. 

There is a notable inconsistency among global leaders from the North, who, despite some of Israel's past allegations being validated, have not offered apologies or support to the West Bank amid the reported atrocities it has endured.