Immovable object
What happens when an immovable object meets an irresistible force? It was to avoid such a calamitous collision that Mush's son came to visit his father in hospital. It was a flying visit, in and out of Pakistan the same day. We hear father and son had been estranged and his son, along with other family members, was of the view that it made no sense to return to Pakistan. Nonetheless, Mush Jr was persuaded by the ladies in the family to make up with his Dad. Hence the visit. Our mole reports that Mush became steadily less obdurate as he made up with his son, finally agreeing to leave the country at the first opportunity. Mush's return to exile now depends on the courts and The Man of Steel.
Young turks?
The phrase "Young turks" applies to the Turkish reformer Kemal Ataturk's followers who had a singular vision for their country and disagreed with the ways of their elders. Although not in the "rebellious" category in quite the same way as the "Young turks", Pakistan's new generation of dynastic leaders is trying to cut its own swathe across the body politic. In this matter, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is primus inter pares. The Sindh Festival is his brainchild and he is keen to revive the fortunes of the PPP in Punjab. His father is justifiably anxious about his son's security and BBZ has postponed his visit to Punjab at least twice, but he is determined to make the trip. BBZ is of the view that the Party cannot be revived in "a year or two" and that it will take the whole of the present term to make a comeback. He believes strongly in the current government's right to complete its tenure.
Three scions of the Sharif family are also politically prominent, with both sons of the Punjab CM involved in governance and firefighting for their Dad. The elder son works from his Dad's office in Lahore, and the younger is often on call for foreign visits related to investment primarily in the energy sector. But it's not just a man's world these days and it's taken some doing from this conservative family to cede space to a woman, the PM's elder daughter. She's working on the Youth Loan Scheme but is capable of a lot more. Unlike men in politics or indeed any other profession, women are accomplished multi-taskers and this lady is no exception. A hands-on mother of three, patron of the family trust that runs a hospital and educational institutions, she knows what it is to work hard. In fact, all the young Sharifs are imbued with an exacting work ethic. The Chaudhries' son is also in the political fray and while he adheres to his elders' philosophy in the main, he does not share their penchant for the khakis.
Wishing away dynastic politics is one thing, and dealing with the "work in progress" that is Pakistan's reality is quite another.